Eilean a'Cheo


Ged tha mo cheann air liathadh,
 Le deuchainnean is bron,
 Is grian mo leth-cheud bliadhna
 Air ciaradh fo na neoil;
 Tha m' aigne air an lionadh
 Le iarrtas tha ro mhor,
 A dh'fhaicinn Eilean Sgiathach
 Na siantanan 's a' cheo. 

 Tha corr 's da fhichead bliadhna
 Bho'n thriall mi uait gam' dheoin.
 'S a chuir mi sios mo lion
 Ann am meadhon baile mhoir;
 Is ged a fhuair mi iasgair
 A lion mo thaigh le stor,
 Bu chuimhneachail mi riamh ort
 'S bu mhiann leam bhi 'nad choir. 

 Ach co aig a bheil cluasan
 No cridh' tha gluasad beo,
 Nach seinneadh leam an duan seo
 Mu'n truaigh' a thainig oirnn?
 Na milltean a chaidh fhuadach
 Thar chuain gun chuid, 's gun choir,
 Tha miann an cridh' 's an smuaintean
 Air Eilean uain' a' Cheo. 

 Nis, cuimhnichibh ur cruadal,
 Is cumaibh suas ur srol;
 Gu'n teid an roth mu'n cuairt duibh
 Le neart is cruas nan dorn;
 Gum bi bhur crodh air buailtean
 'S gach tuathanach air doigh;
 'S na Sas'nnaich air am fuadach
 A Eilean uain' a' Cheo. 

 The Misty Isle (Skye) 

 Although my head has greyed
 With forgetfulness and sadness,
 And the sun of my fifty years
 Has darkened under the clouds;
 My thoughts are filled
 With a great desire,
 To see the Isle of Skye
 The elements and the mist. 

 It is more than forty years
 Since I left you willingly,
 And I put down my roots
 In the middle of the city;
 And although I married a fisherman
 Who filled my house with wealth,
 You are forever in my mind
 And I long to be in your shelter. 

 But who has ears,
 Or a heart which beats with life
 Who will not sing this song with me
 About the hardship which has befallen us?
 The thousands who were cleared
 Deprived of their belongings and their rights,
 The desires of their hearts and their thoughts
 Are on the "Green Isle of the Mist". 

 Now remember your hardship,
 And keep your banner flying;
 For the wheel (of change) will not go round for you
 Without strength and hardness of fist;
 Your cattle will be in their folds,
 And every farmer will be happy -
 And the English would be ousted
 From the "Green Isle of the Mist".