

Frozen embryo sheathed in shroud of numbness 
In darkness that no hope brightens 
I dwell for centuries, alone 
Among the rocks the fragile creature of mine 
They and time, me and eternity 
None of us will stand the confrontation 
Insensitivity and torpor these remain 

I emerge from darkness ineffectively 
Bored with constant keeping alone 
Searching for light and fade of pain 
Infinity and unattainableness they seem to be 
So near... 

Stimulated wings' flutter I'm trying to break 
The hard shell, my home and grave 

Hopeless struggle against superior 
Conditions, destiny - these I don't want to 
Fate is looking gloomily, I'm reaching out to Him 
Encountered again the sight-penetrating 
Insensitive, smooth and cold obstruction 

I subconsciously feel the day will come 
The power that can save me will arrive 
Speak to me and melt my powerlessness 
Won't it be too late?