Testicular Manslaughter

Cattle Decapitation

Perpetual multiplier 
Procreating bastard 
Ever had your gonads smashed by a ball-peen hammer? 
Ever been forced into a vasectomy by and axe-wielding homovore? 
Do you know the word pain? 
You will when the mallet falls 
Again and again and again and again:
I've a shotgun aimed at your testicles 
To shred your testes and sever adjacent vesicles 
Cold vengeance on a rapist
Immediate testicular shape-shift 
Your manhood disintegrates and the stream starts to flood
A shimmering mix of spermatozoa and blood

Another human off the face of the earth!
A new vagina to replace it's absence of girth 
It rubs the feces on it's skin
Or else it gets the hammer again:

Through blunt castration 
Repeated testicular emaciation

For your gross misconduct
The tables are rightfully turned
The urethra now a bile duct
The frayed ends of karma are burned 
A gaping gash of reproduction
Seminal waste of testosterone that ceases to function
Asexual freak . No longer of the male persuasion
Your miserable heap of disfigurementation 
Brings thousands of victims vengeance and elation

Sulfur and buckshot , decimating your crotch