Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise

Cannabis Corpse

Beneath the ground
 Lie the labs of men who
 Who do play god
 Hidden leaders
 Chosen for their loyalty
 Horrors grown from weed

 Beneath the grow lights thou shall rise

 Marijuana users abducted more frequently now
 Habitual and recreative alike
 Ignored like losers, no shred of evidence found
 Media black-out, none to put up a fight

 Beneath the grow lights thou shall rise

 The men that I see, coldly looking at me

 Above, gamma beams glowing with their toxic radiation
 Below, foulness of experimental stem-cells and shit
 Panic, your veins pumping with a green and sticky fluid
 Terror, transforming, arise a budding creature
 Who or What have you become?

 Horrific sight beneath their eyes

 Beneath grow lights though shall rise